Breaking Bad: Blood Money (2013)
Season 5, Episode 9
'you have to believe me' W.W.
14 August 2013
Expectations have always been a great hindrance when it comes to enjoying anything in life. think of a restaurant with the best reputation --> if you liked the meal, you will keep spreading the word. if you hated it, you will simply speak mud of the place.

This episode had that little hindrance. we have been expecting (waiting, gagging) for this episode. not only because it's the beginning of the second half of the season finale of BB, but also because you want more. you need to know more about it. the expectation was simply gigantic.

But I only needed the first two minutes of the episode to know that that expectation has been fulfilled. so let us approach this episode from two angles: our reality and the show's reality.

angle 1 --> man, these actors and actresses definitely deliver. the great problem is usually having actors or actresses who get fat, who fail to act as they usually do, who can keep us attached to the series. believe you me, these people do keep you there. Attached. Even more, DEA agent Hank (Mr Norris) is getting the place he deserves.

angle 2 --> tension is growing. you can feel it. it is there and there is nothing you can do as a spectator.

favourite scene? last few seconds of the episode.
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