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1 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Although in relation to other modern films, it seems a clean and good film, there was one blasphemy that was meant as a joke: A man in a bar hits on the main character and the nun (without her veil), they both indicate that they are "taken" and not interested in him. The nun says her Man is a carpenter. "Good with his hands, is he?" "He works miracles," she responds with meaning. Of course, the literal reading is benign and true. But the innuendo or other meaning of her phrase and the way she delivers it is impure and, said of the God-Man, it is blasphemous. In another scene, the team is playing against men to improve its basketball skills. The nun pushes her fanny against the "front-end" of the man she is guarding in such a way that the man makes a face indicating something is inappropriate. She then spanks him on the bottom. After hearing how absolutely pure this movie was, I didn't appreciate watching this behavior and blasphemy in front of my 11-year-old daughter and her friends.
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