Atlantic Rim (2013 Video)
Toilet Rim...
8 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Just about the worst Asylum movie ever. I don't expect much from them, but recently (AE Apocalypse Earth) wasn't so bad, so I thought I'd try out another. Holy crap was I burned! The acting is just non-existent. In fact, only one actor even tried to be wooden, and that was Graham Greene. I'm convinced he did it deliberately because I know he can act. Probably realised what a pile he'd signed on for and decided to robot-speak all his lines from then on.

And man! What lines! This is dire-logue at its finest. At one point one characters says something like "We should go and help!" to which his companion replies "No! It's against orders!". The first then says "Well, I'm going anyway!" to which the second says "Well, I'm coming too!" That's what you are dealing with. As far as characterization goes, there is little in the way of it here. The three "soldiers" have all the military skills and mentality of three year-olds. One is permanently drunk, the other thinks she is Katee Sackhoff and the third is...well, let's just be honest and say he is along to make up the racial diversity quota for the movie.

The robots and the monsters are not explained, come out of nowhere and, as you might expect, are less than convincing in their discount CGI goofiness. In many instances, the scenes look like an 80's video game, they are that bad.

The robot cockpit sets are basically a small room, decorated with flexible air-conditioning tubes and disco rope lights. All expense HAS been spared with this one. They make the Blake's 7 sets look fantastic by comparison.

They also violate (due to budgetary constraints, no doubt) the primary rule of story-telling. "Show, don't tell." Here, we are treated to painfully long scenes where you see nothing other than the faces of the characters as they describe how amazing, or terrible, the imagined view in front of them is. You never get to see it. Just their unconvincingly surprised or shocked-looking faces as they describe it to you.

I plead with you not to watch this. You'll hate yourself if you do. It is just abysmal in every way imaginable.

SUMMARY: Another awful Asylum rip-off of a better product. Don't bother with it.
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