Zero Hour (2013)
Insults the intelligence
27 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Starts of with the usual "Nazis after religious artifacts" plot in 1938 - OK - been done before but not a problem.

Anthony Edwards as an owner/editor of a sceptic magazine which specialises in debunking all sorts of conspiracies and stuff suddenly starts believing all sorts of things

The plot is about a secret society that were hiding The Cross (remarkably preserved after 2000 years even submerged in water for so many years).

The cross is moved to a Nazi sub to be hidden in a secret place.

Apparently our "hero" is somehow related to a Nazi officer who was also a Christian dedicated to protecting the cross - Anthony Edwards again with the worst German accent ever (in flashbacks.

Hero wants to know why the Nazi has his face. Later the Ashton Kutcher lookalike eye candy for girlies comes up with the explanation "It can only be time travel or reincarnation".

Hero's wife is kidnapped by a terrorist who is after 12 clocks which point the way to the location of the newly hidden cross (terrorist is by far the best actor - he was in the original Steig Larssen Millennium trilogy).

Enter the female FBI agent who was a Peace Corps worker who joined the FBI to avenge her husband's apparent murderer (it's the terrorist) - she seems to be able to speak every language on the planet which is pretty handy as her and the hero globe trot on the trail of the terrorist murderer/kidnapper.

OK - a bit cheesy so far but still could be decent entertainment

The thing that really ruined it was the incredible leaps in logic that somehow keeps them on the tail of the baddie - massive "thinking outside the box" moments that the hero comes up with and everyone nods in agreement like it's the most obvious conclusion

I saw the "twist" in episode 5 of 13 - I'm sure there are people who got it even earlier

The ending was so bloody nice and fluffy I almost gagged

I know most shows are dumbed down for general viewers now (and American shows are the worst at doing that) but I found it an insult to my intelligence that we are supposed to take these leaps of logic (and faith) as Gospel (pun intended)

Not sure if I should give it 4/10 or 7/10 because I got as confused as the plot
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