70s Gone Wild
28 September 2013
This is one of those crazy counter culture flicks that some how got backing in the 1970s.

It rambles. It fumbles.

But it's strangely hypnotic.

For me there isn't much of a plot. Maybe because it was directed for pot heads, I am missing something. I don't really get the life of Christ reference really. Except that Greaser does some healing. And makes some references to Jerusalem, but it's all way too obtuse and silly to be taken as a true satire or even a referential film.

Life of Brian was so much better.

The movie loses it's hypnosis about 20 minutes into it and become boring...again, maybe because I'm not high...or maybe because the 70s are long gone and they weren't that fun or kooky to begin with.

A lot of these wacky 70s films are just not so wacky today. The hippies are retiring and the world is going to hell. No time for meaningless drivel.
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