Review of Damages

Damages (2007–2012)
Great But! (More of an important point than a review)
21 October 2013
Everything about this series was the best possible, BUT I hate the moral of the story. Essentially, no one at all may be trusted. I counted up the actors on this series, and looked at the ratio of them that made unethical decisions, and it was greater than 87%. If the world actually functioned as depicted, we would be in much graver trouble. This makes for very unexpected twists, and unique stories (which I thoroughly enjoy usually), but if production companies should be responsible for more than just the entertainment value of their productions, than I think they fell slightly short here. I would have given this story a full ten otherwise, as it is very stimulating and suspenseful to watch. The actors and acting were all top rate, and I really have nothing else negative to state. Well, one minor thing: I don't like unrealistic events in shows I watch, such as when someone dies after another turns their neck a quarter turn, or when a car explodes because someone ignites a small piece of paper on fire going into the tank port. But, I have come to expect this from even the greatest productions. If you think that the moral, "One must incorporate evil to fight evil," is acceptable or of little consequence, then you won't mind this factor.

Please don't downgrade this merely due to it not being a full review, as I stated so in the heading. I believe many interested in watching this series would like to know this facet, as I found it very important. I watched every episode and even from season to season kept waiting for good to prevail over all of the evil, but to no avail.)
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