Life Tracker (2013)
17 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What I liked most about this movie was the fact that the director actually covered his bases with the whole "found footage" concept, which in my opinion has been done to death at this point. But here, there's an actual reason for it, and the quality gets better as the film progresses. Not going to give spoilers out as to how it was done, but I think it's done in a smart way and offers some originality to the "found footage" concept. It always bothered me in other movies like, "Paranormal 23489" or whatever number they're on now, as to "why the hell are these people holding cameras?? They would never do it in real life!" In Life Tracker they attempt to fix this which I appreciated. The movie is a little slow at first, but it didn't bother me. A little extra character development felt nice. I know all big budget movies use quick cuts and 30 second scenes to bypass solid story telling, but I like slower cuts. Besides, the movie gets more interesting in the second half so investing in the first half is worth it. It's not for short attention spans so I see why a big studio probably passed on it, but the concept is cool and and dealt with very scientifically. Again, the writer and directors covered their bases here which I appreciated. If your looking for "Face/Off," look elsewhere, but this movie offers some solid Sci/Fi concepts and good plot.
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