The Omen II is the story of Damien Thorn 7 years after his father died trying to kill him.
5 November 2013
This is actually my favorite installment in the Omen trilogy, though the first, starring Gregory Peck, was excellent as well. The Omen II- Damien, like its predecessor, scores a perfect 10 for casting. All of the actors are believable in their roles with newcomer Jonathan Scott Taylor (teenaged Damien) giving a particularly outstanding effort. The musical score was haunting and the plot very well done. The story unfolds seven years after Damien comes to live with his father's brother. It is here, he discovers and comes to terms with who he is and his destiny with all the angst, emotional turmoil and eventual acceptance the audience could imagine themselves facing. The plot flows easily, the story line makes sense and there are no loose ends left hanging. For a sequel, this one works and works well. Following a wildly successful original, The Omen, was a risky under taking. One usually expects a let down. You will not find one in The Omen II. In fact, so rare is it for a sequel to succeed as powerfully as this one, I can only think of one time where it happened. The Godfather II was as brilliant as The Godfather. That is how I feel about this movie. Enjoy!
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