See it for Ned Mann
17 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Several reviewers mentioned that this film is a perfect companion for Things to Come. That's because the model work for both was done by Ned Mann. In late silents through the 1930s Mann's work was unsurpassed. He flooded Palestine in Noah's Ark (1928). Then he went to the South Pole in Dirigible (1931) and destroyed Manhattan in Deluge (1933). His sets were so realistic because they were huge, probably unsurpassed in size until 2001 A Space Odyssey (1968). In Transatlantic Tunnel the model train seems to come from infinity, pass by the camera and go to infinity (in actuality a quick wipe and film reversal). I'm a professional model builder so I watch this and the other films mentioned on a regular basis and continue to be amazed. The full size sets are also well done, particularly when combined with Mann's miniatures.

In its abbreviated form called The Tunnel, the editing leaves a lot of plot holes. Now that the complete version is available it makes a lot more sense. However, the plot is leaden and the acting sub-par. If you're into model special effects you'll watch it again and again; otherwise, once is enough.
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