Outstanding movie about important themes.
26 November 2013
This movie is wonderful. It contains all the elements of a great movie. It has a strong script, excellent acting, compelling themes and terrific cinematography. This movie contains what is probably Matthew McConaughey's best performance. He carries the movie. He is in just about every scene. The movie deals with several themes - AIDS, terminal illness, government regulations, response to crisis, change of life issues, homosexuality, promiscuity, personal responsibility, and capitalism. All these themes are treated forthrightly.After watching this movie, one should come away with a better understanding and appreciation of the issues raised. But although the movie touches on themes that have political implications, it is first and foremost a drama. Although the movie takes some literary license, such as frank depictions of sickness and drug abuse, none of it is gratuitous. That is, it adds to the story.
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