The Infant of Krypton Is Now the Man of Steel
13 December 2013
I love the Fleischer Superman cartoons. The animation is smooth and fluid with vivid colors. The distinct art-deco style, vintage science fiction imagery, and use of noirish shadows gave them a look unlike any other cartoons. The music and voice work is superb. They're fun, accessible, enduring animation classics.

This first of the Fleischer series is one of the finest animated shorts ever produced. After a brief rundown of Superman's origin, it wastes no time getting right into the plot. The Mad Scientist (voiced by Popeye's Jack Mercer) is threatening to use his death ray on the city. Newspaper editor Perry White assigns the story to his two best reporters, Clark Kent and Lois Lane. However, Lois wants to crack the story on her own so she hops in her plane and flies off. Yep, Lois Lane in this short is not only a fearless reporter but also an aviatrix! Needless to say if you are familiar with Superman at all, Lois is captured by the bad guy. It's up to Superman to save the day. But is he any match for the Mad Scientist's deadly weapon? This is a simple, fun, exciting cartoon. Some of the people today raised on "grim & gritty" comic books might scoff at certain elements, such as the Scientist's comical bird sidekick or the image of Superman punching the ray beams. Unfortunately these cynics miss the point entirely. This cartoon is pure unadulterated escapism. It's imaginative, fantastic fare for those who just want to smile for ten minutes.
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