Interesting on one level, dull on another...
17 December 2013
What, Germany was invaded by Russian troops during the last few months of World War II, and the men were beaten, the women were raped and everyone had their property stolen by these shameless Ruskies? It's true... you learn something new everyday. Some might be tempted to say the Germans were getting a taste of their own medicine... until you realise not EVERYONE voted for Hitler or believed in his ideals, so why should they suffer? I guess 1939-1945 really was the most difficult era to live in ever, regardless of what nationality you were.

Into this mix arrives a German journalist who came home to witness the final days of the fighting... and ends up slap, bang in the middle of the upheaval. A virtual prisoner in her own house, and regularly abused by ugly Russian troops, she nevertheless attracts the attention of the local Soviet battalion leader. They start a romantic relationship, which is complicated by their different beliefs and stations in life. This whole production is a true story based on a book written by the reporter in 1960, who due to the outrage and being called a 'traitor', has remained anonymous to this day.

Alas, watching creepy, unattractive men forcibly getting into the knickers of innocent ladies is not very pleasant viewing, and for too long the focus lingers on the tiresome activities of these abusers. When the central pairing eventually get together, it feels more at the behest of the writer than any other tangible reason, and he fails to flesh out why these two opposites would ever get together in reality. Which of course they did... so what did they miss from the novel, which didn't translate to the screen? I don't know.

All I can tell you is after over two hours of long-drawn-out drama, I'm ready to vow that this'll be the last war film I watch this year, after seeing 3 in a row. So, horror and comedy for the next fortnight it is, then... 5/10
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