Review of Surfer, Dude

Surfer, Dude (2008)
nice, understated, powerful in its own way
31 December 2013
Gotta say I really liked it. A man trying to live his life on his own terms and holding strong to his unique kind of integrity. I guess our hero is kinda the last hippie. His life is totally opposite the lives of most of us. He surfs, and never works. Thing is, he is so cool that others find ways to make money off his adventures and his athletic prowess. He doesn't care, he just wants to surf. Finally the forces of commercialism and responsibility begin to close in. Ironically, this occurs at a time when the ocean stops making waves. Surfer Dudes world begins to crash down but he refuses to surrender.

This film reminded me of the Camus novel called the Stranger. If one refuses to conform or simply doesn't get conformity...prepare for a lot of love/hate relationships with others. Society can take only so much individual freedom before it eats its own.

This isn't a great movie but its a very good one for people who sometimes wonder wtf its all about anyhow. This is more like a good novel than a Hollywood movie. Twelve year olds and people with that mentality have no chance of understanding or enjoying.
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