Relatable and Pleasant
3 January 2014
I realize a 10 out of 10 is generous and not what everyone would go this film. And I admit I'm suckered by the underdog story of a kid who feels like he doesn't belong and can't relate to a lot of other kids his age largely because I can relate to elements of that even though i wasn't quite as awkward or outsiderish as this kid. Movies like this or Kings of Summer speak to themes that mean a lot to me and my nostalgia of being a care free kid again.

Anyways, all that aside I do feel the film is quite solid. It's equal parts depressing and uplifting. It's more depressing initially but then later is uplifting. Some complain it's a bit too by the numbers or happy ending feeling at the end but for all the crap the kid put up with his step dad and step sibling I think it's nice to give him some sunshine. Beyond the story line ending a little too positively for some the acting and character development are definitely great. Allison Janney is hilarious in this film and aside from that all starring roles and supporting ones are done really well. You find yourself really believing and feeling for the characters like Owen, Duncan, his Mom, etc.

For myself I really enjoyed it even if it's not actually perfect. But for the kind of movie it is I do feel it is perfect. It's exactly the kind of ride I want to see. Frankly for people saying it's too sunny I think it's actually a bit overly depressing at first. His step father is so horrible to him (short of abuse that is) that you wish he had some sunny moments earlier in the film. I guess in that sense I wish the film would have been a bit more balanced as opposed to all depressing initially and nearly all uplifting at the end. Regardless an enjoyable ride nonetheless!
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