Review of Happy Valley

Happy Valley (2008)
Good Movie but a Bit Strange in Parts
21 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Happy Valley" is an interesting film about prescription drug abuse in Utah--although it certainly is general enough to be applicable to prescription drug abuse in many places in the U.S. The premise of the documentary is that things look great on the surface of Utah but there is unseen pain and abuse beneath the happy surface. Additionally, in Utah there are many members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as Mormons) who don't drink alcohol, coffee, or tea, or smoke cigarettes. Yet many of these very same people will take drugs because they're prescribed by a doctor.

The film does lose its way a bit when the director tries to equate sugar with drugs. I asked my friend who is a pharmacist about this, and he said, no, sugar and drugs are not analogous. Getting "addicted" to Twinkies is not the same as getting addicted to heroin.

Finally, the director seems to be channeling Michael Moore at a few points (that is, by inserting himself and his "will" into the documentary), especially at the end where he sets up a meeting between two people who have previously felt considerable antagonism for one another. While the scene was meant to be tender, it just made me feel uncomfortable. Moreover, it was unnecessary to the overall good message of the movie, which is that prescription drug abuse is a significant problem.
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