Intriguing and visual entertaining but inconsistent
13 February 2014
Before I start this review,I would Like to say that I'm big fans of Gary Oldman and Bruce Willis,so apologies if I may seem biased.

Brief plot,no spoilers: So the story is quite simple every 5000 years,great evil in the form of a Planet of fire and ashes attempts to the destroy the earth.In a far future when the end is near a stranger ends up meeting Korben's(Willis)By chance. Korben is a retired special forces major who unknowingly takers this mysterious vandal in without realizing that she maybe earth's Saviour along with 4 peculiar stones otherwise known as classical elements.While head of the Zorg corporation, Jean-Baptiste Zorg(Oldman)wants these for something else And that's all I'm saying watch it you to find out what happens....

if you like Sci-fi films might enjoy it or not. The story is quite unusual and Intriguing and the film tries not to take it self to serious which I enjoyed and also helped with it's humor. The Production design is mad and queer and almost looks psychedelic which left a feel to the eyes which made me want to see more of the utopia for the future.The characters were acted well but I felt they weren't developed well to actual care for them enough.Gary Oldman's Jean-baptiste Emanuel Zorg was,Superbly acted as was Willi's Korben. Some funny dialogue and over the top action Kept Me entertained for the most of the film.

My Biggest Problem is that the pace is very inconsistent and some seem feel forced and tend drag on when there no need and it looses your focus and also Chris Tucker's super gay TV anchorman is probably More irritating then Star wars' Jar-Jar Binks being he has much more screen time and that the character is completely unnecessary to the plot,I was considering turning it off it he annoyed me so much .What Will say is don't watch this film with high expectations as you might disappointed but it warrants a watch for sure.
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