Truth or Die (II) (2012)
Not that bad but
22 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
One weak boy (Felix)in love with an out of reach girl plays a game of Truth or Dare. Given a truth of who at the party he would like to take upstairs to roger (as the Brits say)he of course picks the out of reach girl. Her boy friend, who is an ass, gets upset and punches him out. Months later the five closest friends(?) are invited to a birthday party for Felix. Turns out when they get there that Felix has shown his weakness by hanging himself. So Felix's brother has set a revenge cabin to get even. The brother is a not right in the head military man who has served three tours in the cesspool of Afghanistan. By fair means or foul the brother kills or maims all the friends plus another who shows up later. One of the friends is so weak willed he is co-opted by the brother and actually helps him against the others. Even murdering the late arriving friend. While this is going on Gemma has escaped and runs to the manor to try and call for help. She discovers that Felix is not dead but is paralyzed and on life support. Bad brother finds her and breaks her neck. As this is happening the turn coat has been left alone with last two survivors. Eleanor is the only more or less healthy one and she breaks free and knocking the wussy one to the ground splits his head and dies. Before that happens he has confessed to being the one who sent the post card that supposedly caused Felix to hang himself. Surprise, surprise, it turns out the reason for baby brothers hanging resulted from an email sent by Eleanor asking for financial help for her father's failing company, threatening to release a video of his very inept sexual tryst between the two of them. Since big brother was coming home Felix evidently hung himself from shame rather than face him. Eleanor has found Felix and brings him to the cabin. She then explains the scenario to big bro who has been overcome and tied to a post. Giving Felix a grenade she places the pin in one finger and leaves. Felix eventually works the pin loose and blows up both of them. Eleanor and the last remaining boy survive to drive out. The ending was not what I expected as I assumed (I know) that all the friends would end up dead.
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