Gravity (2013)
Gravity did grab my attention
23 February 2014
With all the hype surrounding this movie, and being a fan of Sandra Bullock in the process, I simply had to see what it was all about; needless to say I liked it well enough but can't help but wonder if all that hype is misguided.

Alfonso Cuaron directs a 90 minute film in fine style; the spectacular cinematography and effects are conducted with such tenacity you can't help but feel you're actually in space! It really is astounding work, that alone marks a 10/10!

The casting of Sandra Bullock and George Clooney is an interesting aspect; in my opinion, Clooney is bordering on the annoying side but Bullock adds a real sense of sensitivity and emotion to the part of Ryan Stone (even if she is just talking to herself nearly all of the time), while any dramatic scenes add a sense of urgency and feeling to the viewer to want to stick with the story and find out what happens next. It is these characteristics to Gravity that make it stand on its own two feet well enough.

However, although Gravity proved an amiable enough film to me (perhaps due to the technical complexity surrounding it), too much emphasis has been placed on this. In the not so near future it may be seen to be a slightly - if not highly - overrated movie. 6/10
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