Badly Edited
2 March 2014
At a women's prison (presumably in either Algeria or Morocco) seven female convicts decide to escape due to the abusive treatment they receive at the hands of their jailers. So they eagerly accept an offer from a nun named "Sister Maria" (Monica Teuber) to work at the local convent. Once at the convent they overpower the guards and take the nun with them to a local house where one of their friends named "Nada" (Vonetta McGee) has agreed to house them temporarily. Unfortunately, Nada's boyfriend betrays them and sells all of them (including Nada) into slavery. However, once they are transported to the coast the pilot of the ship "Jeff" (Tony Kendall) refuses to have anything to do with it and after a gunfight he and the eight women escape by truck into the desert. From here on out they are hunted by the police, the nearby French army garrison, slave traders and Arab bandits who all want the women for one reason or another. So much for the plot. As far as the movie is concerned I liked the overall premise and I thought Margaret Rose Keil (as "Gail"), Nuccia Cardinali (as "Inga") and the aforementioned Monica Teuber and Vonetta McGee, were quite attractive. However, I must admit that the film was badly edited and the action scenes could have used more attention to detail. I should also add that there is quite a bit of violence and nudity in this movie in case anybody might need to know. In any case, while this certainly isn't the best "women-in-prison" movie ever made it managed to pass the time and I rate it as about average.
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