Review of Crisis

Crisis (2014)
The series concept has some potential, but only as a mini series
17 March 2014
I accidental watched Crises and liked it, and will watch the next episode also, and i actually like the concept of Crisis, but pushing it much further then 6 to 8 episodes will be hard, and the planed 13 is stretching it!

So i don't get what the studio's are thinking, when they OK'ed a project like this as a series, when everyone knows it will properly bleed to dead in the first season.

So for me it was fun to watch, and will see how far i can go before i zone out of the series.

I liked most of the of the acting even do some of it was a little bid over the top, but then a series like these, you must not compare it with series like "White Collar", "Person of Interest" or Gillian Anderson small pearl "The Fall" ware i cant wait to see the next season of on the BBC.
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