Review of Witness

Witness (2012– )
My opinion? A hoax.
3 April 2014
I admit I didn't see all the series, only the South Sudan part. But it was more than enough.

Being there for one year I have a pretty good grasp of the things in the country. And while the video seems to have been taken in South Sudan, there are a lot of inconsistencies during the documentary.

For one, I NEVER saw one single tribal scar. It is virtually impossible to film so many people in South Sudan and NEVER encounter one that has the head scars revealing the belonging to a tribe.

People speaking in French. Not likely. Maybe they were refugees from Centrafrican Republic, but that kind of information is not given.

A succession of images that lead you to think that a UN helicopter was transporting South Sudanese military WITH weapons and ammunition. UN regulations specifically forbid this.

The military shown in the documentary don't wear the SPLA (Sudan's People Liberation Army) flags, instead they wear the Ugandan flag. Furthermore, they seemingly engage in operations in the neighboring countries, without any concern for being out of their country.

Frankly, as the documentary moved on I became gradually less and less attentive, since it was so lame. So there might be a lot more things that don't add up.

My opinion? The director had no idea what he was going to make the documentary about, so he just grabbed videos from wherever he could go, put them together and couldn't care less if anybody figured that nothing made sense.

Avoid the documentary (at least the "South Sudan" part). I gave it 2 stars for reminding me about that country, but that is all it did.
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