Switched at Birth: The Scream (2014)
Season 3, Episode 6
When secrets are revealed, two people are left in limbo in their relationships, and one does their best to strengthen theirs.
5 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it seems being single on Switched at Birth is a temporary state which will not last that long. For, outside of Janice, everyone else has someone as Tank and Bay get together. But, with all the love in the air, issues arise. Jealousy is the key thing for two couples, though perhaps the real issue is the possessiveness of the characters, and the idea of having a perfect boyfriend or girlfriend.

Topic 1: Daphne's Love Triangle - Daphne

For whatever reason, Daphne can really never catch a break with the guys she likes/ dates. Either they move away, don't like her back, are too old for her, or have issues. Thus leading us to talk about her two love interest: Jorge and Campbell. Now, as of this episode, Daphne is with Jorge who fits her old enough to be in college type. But, despite Jorge being older, his mentality seemingly is that of a high school boy. Let me explain: being that Campbell dumped his girlfriend for Daphne, and now Daphne is with Jorge, Campbell has put himself in the position where he would have potentially been alone for his 21st birthday.

However, being that Daphne is such a sweetheart, she talks with Jorge about planning a party. But, Jorge's imagination doesn't stretch past some cupcakes in the break room. Meanwhile, Daphne instead decides to hunt down Campbell's friends in Colorado, and throw him this nice sized party. The issue with this party though is it leaves both boys confused. Campbell isn't sure why this girl who is dating someone else, and sort of seems like she is more so pitying him more than anything, is doing all this. As for Jorge, he seemingly can't wrap his head around the idea, despite Daphne reassuring him she would go bigger for his birthday, that Daphne would do this all for a guy she just works with. Thus leading to both men giving Daphne attitude. Campbell does it when he gets the chance to maybe ride down a slope on a modified wheel-chair, something dangerous to his health, and Jorge catches a tude' because, despite the aforementioned thing Daphne said, and him being her boyfriend, he can't handle the idea that Daphne can care for another male. What makes this worse for them however is Daphne confessing she does have feelings for both of them. Leading Jorge to think he is being played and, be it him being a spoiled brat or to old for Daphne's High school drama, he walks away from the situation.

Topic 2: Bay and Tank

With Bay realizing Tank is a good guy and that he is attractive, despite not fitting her usual preference, as predicted, she ends up falling for him and fighting her way back into being in consideration for his girlfriend. Which, thanks to being forward a bit, they seem to now be dating. But, being that Bay gets very dramatic when dating someone, they end up having a fight which leads to her trying to give Tank an ultimatum. You see, Tank's fraternity is having a Lau, which Mary Beth has already gotten invited to, but Bay is wondering why Tank hasn't invited her. Mind you, when she first hears about it the two haven't DTR'd, at the moment. But, upon hearing the Lau is a "Dog Fight," meaning each guy is supposed to bring the ugliest girl on campus, naturally Bay gets offended and wants to tell Mary Beth and have Tank un-pledge himself. Issue is, Tank has a lot to lose by doing that. For one, it seems like his dad, and maybe past generations, have also pledged in that fraternity, and then when you add the football team and all of his friends are part of the fraternity, it makes quitting the frat not much of an option. Bay though presents the idea she can't be with someone who is in a frat like that so she leaves.

But, being that Tank really likes Bay, he tries to find a way to be loyal to her and his frat, so he reports the frat's party, leading it to be canceled, and reports this to Bay. She remains unsatisfied, but then Tank makes a plea which gave me so many feelings. I mean, mind you, I don't remember how Emmett and Ty pronounced their love for Bay, but something about Tank's just made me feel like he is the one for her. So, seemingly, Bay has dropped the ultimatum and is a bit more understanding of Tank's position.

Topic 3: Kathryn and John

But, while Tank and Bay have found an understanding, such can't be said for Kathryn and John. Between her book exposing John's former teammates, and John's kiss with Janice, the two both have a major secret which could rock their already fragile marriage. What doesn't help though, in John's case, was he got caught. So, during a dinner/ murder mystery party, Regina approaches Janice and tells her to shut it down, and being that this is a soap-opera styled show, Janice tells John Regina knows and Kathryn, oh so conveniently, overhears their conversation. With this, alongside John not supporting the book and Kathryn feeling like she sacrificed so much for John, but he won't do much for her, their marriage seemingly has just been rocked with a jackhammer and Kathryn decides that John needs to go. So, the episode ends with John at Toby's.
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