No fog lights required
19 April 2014
...Will explain that anon. But first let me say this film has all the earmarks of a classic.., and a knowledge of china is nice but not essential to appreciate it.

As for the fog lights, this film (IMHO happily) leads you by the nose, more or less in the same modest egalitarian spirit as portrayed by the film. Filmsnobs may not appreciate this fact.

Apart from amazing development and, call it directing, I was blown away by the perfect marriage between what I believe was experienced by the children as reality and the scene making/engineering which the film required - that is, between spontaneity and craft.

I too on first viewing thought the end was abrupt, but I think I just wanted more. And btw, I did not recoil or even pause to ruminate over any "abuse", as I accepted the time and place and political climate.

As for the issue of conformity, to those who might suggest that American schools were/are less inclined toward conformity, I would disagree. It's just that instead of conformity to a social and cultural template -(one that evidently works fairly well and produces more or less admirable people) - American students are led to conform to peers and popular culture.., often with dubious results.

If you enjoyed this gem, you might like The Recipe (free IW at Netflix).
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