Review of +1

+1 (2013)
Better than expected , but needs more seasoning
2 May 2014
One extra star just for not being another found footage teen flick, this was surprisingly better than I expected. The only problem was that it seemed everything needed just one more good pass. Everything comes off as a little uneven, but I think it ends up successful. The actors are competent for their age which probably means they're all older than their characters, but some like Logan Miller's "Teddy" are muted, not given quite enough from the script. He could has sunk his teeth into a better script. The script is not quite funny enough where it needs to be, but could have been with one more pass. Not quite enough explanation is given for the cause, but the story concept actually turns out good. Most of the horror comes from the characters, especially one story line, and that serves the movie. Pacing is a problem for the film, you come out of a funny or scary scene, and then the movie hits the breaks. Too many red herrings for the script to support. I think if the director had gone through one more edit, one more script revision, and the better actors given a little more meat on their plates, this would have been great. It even had a good twist that was subtle but effective.
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