Devil's Knot (2013)
An average movie with good casting.
2 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Many are already familiar with this tragic story. What we have here is a dumbed down version of the 'Paradise Lost' series of documentaries. This is a movie review so it's best not to get into opinions here, although it isn't easy with such a delicate, tragic and controversial story and I know I will struggle. What I will say is that there are two sides to every story and not to believe everything Hollywood spoon feeds you. I recommend reading the case files online before forming a concrete opinion.

The movie itself is average. It has the look and feel of a well made TV movie. The subject matter is very complex and obviously dumbed down a little for the audience. The documentaries are much better, although they are pretty biased. In fact in the second edition they blame the murders on one of the fathers. You can even see reviews and comments about him on here from the time of the movie release. This was later proved 100% untrue and the poor man had to suffer years of abuse and suspicion. He still does at times.

In conclusion, this movie is a good way to get a basic background of the case, but it misses a lot out. I must admit that I was impressed with the casting. If you've seen the documentaries you'll see the resemblances, I'm sure. Overall, you would be better advised to watch the 'Paradise Lost' documentaries but also to read the case files which are all online (and include some video interviews). They're very hefty and will take a while to get through, but if you want proof of why you should read them, just look at the reviews on here of Paradise Lost 2. And remember that the man getting so much abuse on here (and all over the internet as well as in real life) was proved innocent.

Despite this, supporters of the convicted (and still guilty) murderers are all too eager to do the same to another father on evidence so flimsy the authorities are not interested. If you have kids at home, how likely is it that one of your hairs will transfer to them? The fact is, it's very likely and he wasn't the only parent with hair at the crime scene, although you'll never get that from Hollywood.

Good casting. Average production. Dumbed down. Hopefully, the parents can get some peace one day when the truth finally outs (if it hasn't already).
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