Forget about love.
4 May 2014
This isn't a movie about love, this is a movie about sex. And as a movie with such a natural theme, personally I think that anyone who sees it, should be very open minded for what the director wants to express.

If this is your first time enjoying a Von Trier film, you should be very aware, that he puts anything he wants in his movies, so be prepared to see and hear things that probably won't match the standards that you are used to. He uses very specific screen editions to catch the viewers attention and later totally forgets about them, making it very disappointing of you are expecting other things. I'm very sorry to hear that many people has reviewed this as a bad movie or, what's even worst, a sexist movie. I strongly recommend that if you are one of this group of people, you give Nymphomanic another try, but this time, try to see through the directors mind, focusing on the change of ratios, the screen signs and the colors that he uses depending on the mood of the scene.

I'm not saying this is a movie for everyone, but if you start seeing it with prejudice just because of the thematic, you are going to hate it for sure.
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