Review of Malone

Malone (1987)
Adequate entertainment.
15 May 2014
"Malone" manages to at least be watchable without being distinctive in any way. It's pretty much a routine action drama of the time as well as an okay vehicle for veteran star Burt Reynolds. The action is largely perfunctory, and yes, the plot isn't always terribly believable, but a strong supporting cast keeps the attention from wandering too much. There is some effectively brutal violence as bodies get ripped apart by bullets, and some explosions as part of the deal. Harley Cokeliss directs competently if not stylishly. The location shooting in Canada is decent, and that wilderness setting is lovely. (Stock shots of Langley and L.A. are also used). A great score by David Newman is an asset.

The story (scripted by Christopher Frank, based on a novel by William P. Wingate) is awfully familiar stuff: Malone (Reynolds) is a former CIA assassin with no more desire to do his job, so he takes it on the lam. Car trouble forces him to stop at a remote service station run by nice guy Paul Barlow (Scott Wilson), who just so happens to have a cute daughter, Jo (Cynthia Gibb). Malone has arrived in this community just in time to get caught up in the schemes of Delaney (Cliff Robertson), a rich man buying up property like crazy; Delaney turns out to be a right wing zealot hoping to establish a base of operations in the area.

Despite receiving a very serious bullet wound at one point, Malone is a tough s.o.b. who takes on all comers. Fortunately for him, most of Delaney's henchmen are completely useless idiots. That definitely removes a lot of suspense. Reynolds delivers a commendably low key performance in the lead, the ever likable Wilson is excellent as always, Robertson is amusing in a very unsubtle turn, and Gibb (whose character Jo becomes quite attached to Malone) is endearing. Lauren Hutton co-stars as the CIA agent sent to take care of the Malone problem, Kenneth McMillan is the local sheriff, and Tracey Walter and Dennis Burkley play a troublesome pair of redneck brothers working for Delaney.

If nothing else, this obvious "Shane" homage should be a mild diversion for Reynolds fans.

Six out of 10.
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