Alias of 'Rascals' Covers Up 'Gang Connections'
28 June 2014
PACKAGING ALL OF his "OUR GANG" Sound Shorts into one lump sum for television showing, Mr. Hal Roach used the alias of "THE LITTLE RASCALS." For whatever reason, this Rascals pseudonym was chosen, it was the name that we "Boomers" knew the gang by.*

THE FIRST SHOWING of the comedies came by way of ABC TV, who broadcast them from their studios in New York City. They were shown with the annoyance of commercial interruption. Much the same as all just about all other kid oriented show, the show had an in-studio audience, had some other sketch humor and of course, as go-between, an M.C.

IN THIS CASE, we watched and listened to one Chubby Jackson, who hosted the show during its run. Dark haired and rotund, Mr. Jackson projected a likable personality and did seem to have a way with the kids. But little did we know of a deep, dark well kept secret about 'Chubby.'

AS WE FOUND out some years later by way of THE STUDS' TERKEL Radio Show, Chubby Jackson was a very talented Jazz Musician!

WELL, WE ALL gotta eat!

NOTE: * At one point in the early forties, Hal Roach sold the 'Gang' and the 'Our Gang' name lock, stock and barrel to MGM. Although the old films in his vault remained his, the name was questionable. So, Roach and company came up with the 'Little Rascals' name; which had been use in an on screen introduction done by some young dancing girls to introduce the early "talkie" OUR GANG Movies.
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