Horrible waste of time - go to acting school!!!
26 July 2014
This film had absolutely no storyline, no budget, no actors worth watching. The parts that were supposed to be funny just weren't - not only because of the bad jokes but also due to bad performances of all the actors. Acting wise, I felt like watching a porn movie just without the naked people. The dog was the best actor in the whole film. This review has to be at least 10 lines long to be submitted, and to be honest there is absolutely NOTHING left to say about this movie to fill up that space. But to give some examples: the way the characters met was completely random, the fake wig of the main character in his college outfit was just too obvious. The poor attempt to make the movie more 'artsy' by moving back and forth in time doesn't work, just seems like the editor was asleep himself while trying to edit this film. Maybe that's due to the extremely slow pace of this film in general and especially the first 15 minutes. Watch this movie only when you're into masochistic activities... can't wait for the sequel...
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