Adventures of Superman: The Big Freeze (1956)
Season 4, Episode 3
Voted one of the best of the series.
6 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler/plot- Adventures of Superman, 1952. The Big Freeze. aired 3/3/56. Dishonest Metropolis politician and his enforcer Little Jack hire a crooked scientist, Dr. Watts to stop Superman just before an important municipal election. The politician lures the Man of Steel into a locked lead-lined room with lies that Lois & Jimmy are held there. The trio's room machine (made by the scientist) make the room temperature 2000 degrees below zero (way below absolute Zero temperature). Thus completely white and "frozen", Superman not only loses his super powers but also the color in his skin. Clark Kent must put on woman's makeup (Lois Lane) to keep up his secret identity while at the Planet building. Superman's only hope to return to normal is to expose himself to extreme heat at the Metroplois steel making blast furnaces. He recovers and makes things right for the election 'stunted' turnout.

*Special Stars- George Reeves, John Hamilton. Jack Larson. Noel Neill, Bill Kennedy (VO). Robert Shayne.

*Theme- Good can overcome evil.

*Trivia/location/goofs- B & W. Superman's flying and jumping file footage was taken in Los Angeles. It commonly uses the skyline of 1950's downtown with the tall city hall building. When Superman puts on the make-up, he is not shown to do his hands. The enforcer role is played by another actor with the last name of 'Reeves'. No family relation to George Reeves.

*Emotion- Always a bit of fun and entertainment from a "baby-boomer" kiddie's TV life. Takes one back to those carefree days. The episode still holds up and is voted one of the best of the series. It has been included is many of "the Best" of publicly offered TV Superman VHS & DVD series.

*Based on- Superman comic book series.
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