An Interesting New Way To Tell A Trek Tale.
12 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Recently I learned of this project 'Prelude to Axanar', that is intended as a lead in to an even bigger film, a feature length movie called 'Star Trek: Axanar', to be made later on. My interest was piqued when I saw which names were attached to it. There are Richard Hatch and Kate Vernon of Battlestar Galactica fame and several Star Trek alumni such as Tony Todd (Worf's brother Kurn, the elderly alternate time-line version of Jake Sisko), J.G. Hertzler (Martok) and Gary Graham (who even 'reprises' his role as Soval). Behind the camera also names of professionals of the movie industry. All this spells that this short film, like few other 'fan films', goes far beyond mere amateur levels.

The film itself has a very unique way of storytelling for Star Trek. It is like a broadcast throughout the Federation. An episode in an historical series about the Four Years War between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire that was fought a couple of decades before Kirk's historical first Five Year Mission. A documentary in an 'in-universe' style. A documentary presented by another great Star Trek in-universe name. Who that is? You'll have to see for yourself. I'm not going to spoil that for you. If you're like me it will put a smile on your face!

Those that made this film brought passion to it. The FX are outstanding and enhance the narrative beautifully. The actors give their sublime best in their performances. From an inspiring speech before a large audience in Archer Arena to in-depth interviews with several key players in this historic event from both sides! It is as if you are watching a documentary of an actual war!

As the history unfolds you get to see why the war started, what important battles there were and it all leads up that final pivotal battle. A battle you don't get to see of course. This is 'Prelude to Axanar' and not 'Axanar' itself. We can only hope the wonderful people who made this film get to make the actual feature length movie itself.

The bad in all this? Only the length of this film. When you see the final moments you will be on the edge of your seat, and you will scream: "I WANT MORE!" For now it can only be officially seen on the Kickstarter website. As a call to fellow Trekkies I would say: Look up that Kickstarter site and see this great film.

Fans of Star Trek the Original Series will love it.
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