A very decent horror movie
28 August 2014
Real life crime chasers, encounter supernatural forces.

During a routine call, an officer responds to a domestic violence call and quickly enough he realises that this case is linked with other violent offences all of whom appear to have one thing in common: an element of inexplicability about them. Whether the injuries were horrific, or a display of superhuman strength from the part of the perpetrators, an unusual link develops.

With the said policeman trying to best assist those affected and solve those crimes, following standard protocol the story proceeds on his initial assumption that any notion of a supernatural is plain nonsense despite the occurrence of curious incidents.

As a horror film, it does rather well. There is a lot of tension building up from the start which will keep the audience well engaged. The action is more than enough to keep it going and the humorist adrenaline junkie aka one half of the police duo is a welcome insertion into the story.

In addition to the very good cinematography, one thing that in a way makes this stand out is the fact that it is based on a true story. Regardless whether one believes or not in the supernatural element, it cannot be denied that such stories do occur and this adds some extra gravitas.

All in all, an effective horror/thriller that will not disappoint.
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