If I Stay (2014)
Warning: Do Not Watch!
28 September 2014
What are these good reviews even talking about? When I go to a movie theater, I go for entertainment. This movie was not entertaining! When I opted to watch this movie, I didn't sign up for a classical music fest, or a special on teens applying to college. If I wanted to be bored out of my wits, then I would have stayed home and read a book! After watching this, I want a refund! The writing was not bad, and Chloe is a talented actress, but the plot was bland! I am very upset with all those people who are rating this movie a 10. They must not have watched the same movie I watched. Maybe they were paid to leave good reviews, or maybe they want others to suffer the way they did. No matter what the reason is for all these good reviews, I am here to tell you that this movie is a snooze fest! There is nothing thrilling, or funny, or cute about it! I recommend everyone under the age of 70 to STAY FAR AWAY from this one. If I can save at least 1 person from making the same mistake I did, then my mission will be accomplished!
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