Review of Mulaney

Mulaney (2014–2015)
Holy Sexism Batman!
7 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The show's pilot starts out with a sexist joke and it just continues the women bashing from there. I'm not surprised, this show IS on FOX. FOX is conservative central.

The 'star' of the show (never heard of this guy before, no offence) says that he was chasing a woman late a night and he was offended that she ran from him. What? He says he was not trying to attack her but merely trying to catch the subway. Sounds awfully like an excuse a criminal would say. "I was not chasing you just chasing after the subway." Huh? Even though he ADMITS to chasing the WOMAN....

OK, moving on....we next see the credits after the rip-off Seinfeld intro. Oh yeah, in addition to the show being backwards they also rip off other shows. Mainly Seinfeld and Friends. You can see it in the transition scenes. It's set in NYC like those shows and even the apt that they are in, from the outside, looks like the one in friends! The inside looks like a hybrid between Seinfeld and Friends.

Now we are in a doctor's waiting room, with two men talking about their various scams. Then the only female character bursts in and acts like the female stereotype conservatives try to brand all women with. Crazy, emotional, irrational, obsessed with men, evil, stupid, easily beaten, not to be taken seriously. Wow! She bursts in and the first thing out of her mouth is "I am not crazy!" Then starts acting crazy..... and she states sexist things and it's played off like she lost even though she is right..... they make fun of her to no end.

Also in shows where there is sexism their is also racism! There is the token black friend! Who is the conservative stereotype of African- American/Black people. Loud, annoying, simple, lazy, stupid, silly. Wow!

The 'star' of the show was a stand up comedian and there are strange parts in the show where he almost looks directly to the camera to say 'bits' from his routine. Wth is this show trying to be? It's like 99% rip off and 1% weird homage to this guys stand up? It just seems random and shoved in there when he does it.

There are jokes against breast cancer! They say that the walk was named after a woman because she will get a kick out of it. Yeah breast cancer/women issues are not important! Sure men can get it too, but of course it's mostly women....

Token black friend continues the women bashing with 'problem bitch' WOW! Then the 'star' says to the only female "What are you doing here btw cuz i know it's not to support me." Then the only female says "Would a woman with nothing in her life immerse he life in charity work?" More bashing. Then the only woman rips out plants of her ex. And calls the 'star' "white boy" wow :O Are we still only defined by our race!? Shows how racist this show is....The 'problem bitch' joke continues with the only female's ex calling his current gf one and saying '(at least) crazy calms down.' WOW so women are either crazy, or Also the other female, which is basically a voice, wants to be on speaker. So yeah all women are vain and want to be the center of attention. This show, so against women wow!

Near the end of the show the 'star' complains that he is not getting treated properly by his boss. And boom instant reward. YET the female complains and no one cares....just wow I have no words for how sexist this is.

The show does have it's funny parts, but the sexist/racist parts just drag the show down. Mostly I am laughing at the show for how ignorant it is. I just say "Hey, your ignorance is showing!" FOX can you PLEASE stop all the white male worship? Minorities are also human beings as much as you like to deny it. They have rights as well. Conservatives are working hard to strip these groups of ALL their rights but no, you really have to stop. It's getting too obvious, you can't even hide your ignorance and try to pass it off as 'comedy' anymore. STOP the gender/race stereotyping and this show may have a chance.
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