Review of Whiteout

Whiteout (2009)
Bad Cinematography
26 October 2014
People have commented on the beautiful shots of the colorful sky, so I suppose there were a few instances of good cinematography in the movie. However, in my opinion, most of the cinematography, editing and art direction sucked.

First of all, it was filmed in Canada. Was there even one scene filmed in Antarctica? I'm sure Antarctica has beauty of it's own separate from Canada (I've been to both), but one wouldn't know it from this film, as it was Antarctica in fantasy only. As people have pointed out, where were the penguins? Where were the walruses?

What bothered me most about the art direction of this movie was the many scenes where one couldn't hardly see anything. Either snow storm, or dark rooms lit by a little flashlight, or just a scene with hardly anything showing, most of the movie seemed to be on such a low budget that they didn't having anything in the back of the scene to show!

Others have pointed out the limitations of this movie, so I won't repeat that. I agree with them wholeheartedly.
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