Game of Thrones: The Old Gods and the New (2012)
Season 2, Episode 6
Excellent Acting Makes Great TV
11 November 2014
With half the season over, trouble seems to be brewing everywhere and for everyone.

Plot In a Paragraph: Theon completes his master stroke. The Lannisters send Myrcella from harm's way just in the nick of time when a riot breaks out in Kings Landing. Arya keeps running in To trouble and she comes face to face with a surprise visitor; Danaerys vows to take what is hers, whilst Jon Snow is given a chance to prove himself. Roose Bolton brings Robb disturbing news.

I didn't think any character in "Game Of Thrones" would make me hate them as much as I do Joffery. Step forward Theon, you made the list. What a despicable swine.

The high points of the episode feature two of my favourite characters and actors in the show. Tyrion Lannister finally unleashes his rage and anger at his nephew's monstrous cruelty and stupidity. The scene between Dinklage and Jack Gleeson is perfect. Not just because it sees Joffrey slapped. The interplay between the two is superb.

And secondly once again Maisie Williams and Charles Dance are excellent in their scenes. I thin it's excellent seeing such a young actress showing so much confidence in performing with a veteran actor.

One of the awesome things of Game Of Thrones that I've not yet mentioned is the opening. Whilst showing the map of Westeros, it shows us where we will visit in the episode. Much of Jon Snow's story beyond the Wall is also excellent, this episode introduces us to Ygritte, played by Rose Leslie, and she's excellent in the role.

On the downside I'm still not convinced by the scenes with Robb and Talisa. It's not the fault of the actors, both Madden and the gorgeous Chaplin do fine, but the script seems as if it were written with two young 16 year olds.

The best line of the show as usual still belongs to Tyrion "We've had idiot kings, and we've had vicious kings, but I don't know if we've ever been blessed with a vicious idiot before!"
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