Review of Con Air

Con Air (1997)
What a croc .............!
16 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe how poor this movie is considering the good actors. John Malkovich,Buscemi,Cusack to name just 3. The weak link was Cage, he just does not have a strong enough personality to match it with the other actors mentioned. The plot ran out of ideas and into Disneyland........ Poe spends all his time looking for insulin for a convict with diabetes while scores of soldiers are being machine gunned all around him. The aircraft crashes along the strip in Las Vegas, killing untold numbers of men, women and children and wrecking several casinos to save a couple of convicts and ex convicts and of course the "damsel in distress" the female police woman. I watched this movie to the end because I just didn't believe how bad it could be, not even amusing I'm afraid. Action movies should try to be slightly logical to the patrons, otherwise a movie like this could only find fans in the kill'em, blow'em up, smash'em up, I'm a hero sort of viewers. Wasted talent.
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