The hatred I have for this episode is immeasurable.
26 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I don't want to spoil too much of this episode so I won't go into very much detail.

They ruined her. They completely ruined FBI Agent Dana Lewis (from prior episodes S07E06 Raw, S08E01 Informed, S12E08 Penetration) in this episode.

The only reason I can think of as to why the writers would do such a thing to Dana Lewis was to make her *beep* compared to Benson. Remember, this is The Olivia Benson Show now, no one can surpass her in anything. Dana Lewis, if you remember in S12E08 Penetration, had said she had a wonderful husband and kids. She was very happily married, excelled at her job, and kicked ass. She could have been liked just as much as Benson, and to me, was liked more than Benson in her recent years. Well, they couldn't have any one thinking like that, could they? So in one episode the character of Dana Lewis is completely and utterly destroyed by being given a huge secret as to why she strives for perfection with her job and life. But does Benson need a secret like this to do the same with her job? Of course not!

The worst episode of anything I have seen in years. The anger this episode caused me was unreal.

Sure, I could try to ignore it or pretend it didn't happen at all, but I can't forget the huge negative impact this episode has had on my enjoyment of this show as a whole.

I don't even want to watch this show anymore, and it it wasn't for Raul Esparza, I wouldn't.
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