30 Rock: Queen of Jordan (2011)
Season 5, Episode 17
Unintelligible trash loaded with reverse racism
2 December 2014
Angie is truly the most irritating character on this show. Her playing of the race card is beyond unfunny. She's selfish and crude and pathetic and the show would be better off not going anywhere near the themes it canvasses in this episode. Her "crew" are equally annoying. This episode is clearly parodying reality shows, but I don't watch 30 Rock to see a parody of a reality show. And it's not really smart enough written to pull it off either. All the regulars sink to the level of the idocracy which is a shame, because instead of quirky-cute they just become quirky-stupid. The story about the teacher is vaguely amusing but cannot rescue how silly this episode really is.
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