Great Vehicle for Guy Kibbee
5 December 2014
In most of the movies I've seen with Guy Kibbee, his presence is usually too short, as the occasional blustery background financier and producer in Gold Diggers of (insert year here). In a few, his presence is too long, as the lead in a movie where he is an ill tempered crank who shouts at everyone for a couple of hours. In this movie, the balance is perfect.

Kibbee plays the role that he has polished to perfection: The bumbling and somewhat stupid character, in this case the candidate that is running for office. His campaign staff has to prop him up in order to run successfully. The comedy is rich, and the background cast -- especially a young Bette Davis -- is up to the challenge. The ending is somewhat forced but satisfying.

It's a little weird that the fat and elderly Kibbee spends so much time in his underwear toward the end, and that the camera focuses in for close-ups on the rips in the rear of his long johns, but...to each his own.

Definitely worth your time, if you're in the mood for a turn-off-your-brain and feel good old-time Depression-era escapist movie.
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