Not as bad as I thought it would be
18 December 2014
British comedies are hit and miss to say the least. My expectations were decidedly low for this one. I love Peep Show and will watch pretty much anything with Robert Webb (or David Mitchell) in it. However, when I watched 'Confetti' (another Brit-com with Robert Webb in it) I was left severely disappointed that even he couldn't elevate it out of the doldrums. The Wedding Video is, as you can probably guess, a 'film' made in the deliberately documentary style of the first person. Rufus Hound plays 'Raif' the long lost brother who returns to England when his brother, Tim (Robert Webb) is getting married.

Raif's 'special' gift is a wedding video, charting the build up to the happy day - think 'Blair Witch, but with witches is posh hats from Cheshire.'

The first thing I thought was how much Rufus Hound comes across as a cross between Simon Pegg and Ricky Gervais. His character is only one step away from being pretty damn annoying. However, in my (slightly biased) opinion, it's Robert Webb's character who saves it, as he doesn't suffer his annoying brother too gladly and frequently slaps him down when need be.

As you might imagine, the build up to the wedding goes about as smoothly as the wedding itself. There are a whole string of unfortunate and cringe-worthy events, captured on camera for our viewing pleasure.

The Wedding Video hasn't been that well received by people. I don't know what they were expecting. Granted it's hardly comedy gold, destined to become a future classic, but I found it certainly watchable enough for an hour and a half. There are a few good gags and the characters are actually quite amusing, especially the bride's mum who's totally obsessed with 'outdoing' her friends when it comes to her daughter's big day.

Some people have criticised the ending. I didn't think it was that bad, but without spoiling it, I'll leave that for you to decide.

The Wedding Video isn't amazing, but it's no turkey either.
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