Sorcerer's Apprentice 2010
7 January 2015
Like Season of the Witch, this movie feels a little cursed, for no visible reason. Correction: no visible reason except for an actor from the main cast, Nic Cage.

This is one of the few Disney movies that I enjoy. It has a great cast, plot, lore, action, special effects, acting, and musical score.

With some good characters, this movie can at times, be very memorable. Parts like the final fight and the Chinatown Sequence, stick into your mind like silly puddy.

This movie follows that guy who voices Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragons, as he goes from college loser, to Merlon's successor, known in this film as the "Prime Merlonian". Nicolas Cage as Balthazar Blake, Merlon's apprentice, trains whatever his name. The jealous Horvath, one of Merlon's other apprentices tries to resurrect the evil Morgana le Fey, to end the Prime Merlonian and Balthazar.

It has this implacable vibe, that is very cool. Some nods to stuff like Fantasia and One Republic (mainly because their song Secrets was popular when this came out).

It's a weird, modern magic film that is far more appealing to me than any Harry Potter film, which is why I give it an 8/10. It's a good film and a good watch.
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