A good local comedy, but probably not for the average gwailo
12 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Even someone like me, who simply can't watch enough Triad chop-fests, needs some light entertainment from time to time - which is where films like this come in ;) It's one of the reasons I have so many Stephen Chow films, and also why I am somewhat partial to the occasional Andy Lau/Sammi Cheng romantic comedy. Oh, and the fact that I've had a huge crush on Sammi Cheng for years may have something to do with it, but that's another matter altogether...

Which brings me to this film.

The film takes us through a series of comedic events, mainly related to a young group of people's attempts to get themselves on the HK property ladder before it's too late. It also deals with various other Hong Kong-related issues - Mainlanders, cheating husbands with Mainland concubines, and greedy materialistic women to name but three - you name it, it's here, and more. There's probably a milk powder reference in there somewhere too, but it's been a few days since I saw the film, so I'm not certain ;)

But despite the main characters frustration at the crazy price of housing, don't expect any "Dream Home"-style bloodshed. No, this is family entertainment, but dealing with adult problems. I'm not from HK, but having been priced out of London, despite working harder and harder, I can certainly sympathise with Hong Kong people.

Yet it's not overly serious, and doesn't even come close to offering any solutions to the issues involved - violent or otherwise. No, this is just good old-fashioned mainstream money-making fun - if you're looking for a pretentious art-house snoozer, you need to look elsewhere.

However, as some have mentioned, this could have been better. There's certainly some missed opportunities for laughs - watching Sammi's character cleaning the floor, I couldn't help thinking that she could have referenced her manic "Needing You..." toilet cleaning scene instead.

The ending is fairly predictable, but we're not talking Fruit Chan Gor or Wong Kar-Wai here - this is pure entertainment, and the primary intention clearly isn't to make us think, but to have a humorous look at one of the issues which affects today's HK. And to make the producers lots of money of course - which is about as Hong Kong as you can get.

This film will make little sense to anyone who isn't familiar with the current socio-political climate in HK, so its appeal outside Asia is likely to be limited to the Chinese diaspora, fans of the actors, or those who have some kind of connection to the region. And actresses like Myolie Wu (sadly under-used here) are unlikely to mean much to those who aren't familiar with TVB dramas. But if you're in the mood for a good laugh, and are a fan of at least one of the main actors, I would recommend it. I'm sure I spotted a brief Sandra Ng cameo as well :)

Definitely one of my favourite films of the year, even though it's a little disposable. Certainly a good laugh at times, and well worth the price of the DVD. Just don't expect it to be in the same league as films like "Needing You..." or "Justice, My Foot!".
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