Review of Jem

Jem (1985–1988)
Some episodes are pretty good
14 January 2015
I am a 49 year old guy who likes auto racing shows, science shows and murder mysteries. Never watched Jem when it was new. But I do like certain cartoons, it's a weakness ;)

Jem is of course unrealistic and a bit sappy at times.

But, I figured out, the good episodes I have seen were written by Christy Marx, especially the very first ones. They are sometimes a bit soap opera like, but I think she's good at the emotional sort of stuff.

The Starlight house regulars do touch at one's heart strings a bit. And when they forget to include them, the episodes are less appealing to me ( I think that was one of Christy Marx good ideas to have them.)

The bad parts - the main male characters are no good. Rio is bipolar or something. One episode he has almost nothing to say and the next he's having some emotional breakdown. Perhaps we are supposed to think he's messed up due to his dual Jerica/Jem love, but that gets old. Eric is an idiot. If they made him clever, it would be more interesting. I realize this is primarily a kid's show, but kids are far smarter than this show gives them credit.

The music is dull IMO. I love new wave, and would have liked to hear more of the new wave thing on this show. Better synthesizers, electronic drums...something. Some of the problem I hear are overly blended mixes where nothing stands out. I think they also went for quantity over quality and felt they needed 3 music videos per show. I ffwd through most of them.

I think this show has more female than male appeal as they are often more in touch with their emotions ( stereotype, but true in my experience.)

Anyway, it's been on re-runs, and I have tivo'd them, and I have enjoyed some of the shows enough to give this 6/10. I can see why people liked the show, as it has the whole feel good thing and the good guys win and the buy guys don't.
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