Crysis 3 (2013 Video Game)
Weakest entry in the trilogy but still a great game overall.
17 January 2015
Finally, FINALLY!!, I was able to play this game, thanks to my new GPU (GTX 970). Being a huge fan of the series, the wait was definitely excruciating but in the end, worth it. I didn't wanna play a Crytek game on low-medium settings since everyone knows they're famous for graphics.

Story: The third and last part in the Crysis trilogy did some things right, and some things wrong. Having Prophet as the protagonist now instead of Alcatraz (I didn't like this switch at first), the game managed to make you care for your player, which otherwise wouldn't have been possible if your hero doesn't say a single word. His character is further developed. Also, side characters this time at least had better voice acting than the previous part and hence, better singleplayer experience. The alien story really interested me and the stuff shown was definitely good. Got a good conclusion also. It is just a shame that they didn't expand in this area more as there was definitely a lot of potential.

I didn't like the initial focus on Cell. This series has always been good when they focused on aliens, and stuttered when focused on human enemies. Also, Crytek doesn't know how to make a trilogy. There is hardly an reference or mention of characters from previous two parts, you get a disjointed feeling, same thing happened in Crysis 2.

Gameplay: Most refined gameplay in the trilogy. The addition of bow was great. It made you really try out the stealth option and made you feel like a silent Predator. Also, thankfully, they removed the usage of suit energy during sprinting mechanism from Crysis 2, it really annoyed me. But still no Maximum speed like the first part . Being able to use alien weaponry was another great addition.

Levels felt like a mix of both previous part. Crysis 1 had big open world jungle levels while Crysis 2 had smaller city levels, they mixed it them up in this part. It worked sometimes, and when it didn't worked, it added pacing issues. There were times where I was like "This is getting boring".

Graphics: Graphics are Crytek's specialty and they have reclaimed the graphical throne. This is without a doubt THE BEST LOOKING GAME I have ever played. When you turn up all the settings, your eyes melt due to the graphical fidelity of the game. The lighting, the textures, the facial detail, the grass, yes even the grass was epic, best darn grass I have ever seen in a game, truly next gen stuff. All this eye candy does have a cost, game is really heavy on highest settings. While my FPS kept above 60 FPS, it did dip to 40s in those grassy levels, but I'm not complaining. Unlike other lame ports or recent games which have inflated requirements, this game actually justifies its heaviness.

Sound: Loved the sound effects. Nice detailed effects of everything around you. No Hans Zimmer was a downer though. Even though the soundtrack was still pretty good with some great pieces in it, there wasn't something quite like the main them of Crysis 2.

Overall: I have mostly heard average to mediocre things about this game from people ever since its release. After finally playing it, I don't get the hate. I love this series and even though this was the weakest part in the trilogy, it was still great.

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