Review of Sakizuke

Hannibal: Sakizuke (2014)
Season 2, Episode 2
Starting to Reach Its Potential!
21 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The first series of Hannibal was strong, but it stuck whole-heartedly to a format where every week there was a new case and Will Graham used his incredible mind to think like the murderer/psychopath. Only a couple of episodes succeeded to reach its potential, including, Entree, which finally decided to show Hannibal's true intentions first hand.

What's so good about this series (or so I can see) is its continuation of a single case whilst balancing with the characters' own pathways. Character development has taken centre stage with some wonderfully foreboding exchanges between certain characters such as Hannibal and Dr. Maurier and then Jack and Special Agent Beverly. It's great to finally see the characters make their mark on others and showing off their emotions.

Whilst the series may appear to go too far on the disgusting side in its attempt to either attract gore fans or scare others, the visceral side to its violence is a great background assurance that we're watching a terrifying story where the killer has his own original style.

What this episode did well was balance its investigation with Hannibal's own adventures. The images of him slicing his victim's leg ready for dinner is quite a memorable moment as far as this show goes. It will probably go even further later, but for now, this is shocking enough as we realize that the hunter has now become the hunted in this crime, and only Will Graham suspects Hannibal's hand.

In addition to a great front story, and some stellar performances that don't need praising, the story appears to be moving quickly, with the trial of Will's death sentence coming into light. Cynthia Nixon's brief appearance was enough to assure me she would be a great addition to the cast, with some unwanted secrets soon to come out. In particular, I enjoyed Dr. Maurier's encounter with Will in his cell - there's definitely something else there!

In conclusion, Hannibal is on the steep upward slope, with enough story lines to attack and win. Dr. Lecter, I'm sure, has a great many other secrets to share with us, so I'm quite keen to find out what.
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