Can't resist the cookie jar
24 January 2015
I enjoyed this film. I'm going to talk about the plot as vaguely as possible so if you haven't seen the film or watched the trailer, you'll know a bit about it if you decide to keep reading.

So ... Low budget. Jaw dropping shock ending. Mystery movie. My curiosity grew steadily as I watched this film. I had seen the lead actress in the very first episode of The Good Wife and I liked her character/acting in that, so I looked her up here, on IMDb, and that's how I stumbled onto the film. I thought she did a decent job. She worked well within her range, and followed many directions from guess who? The director. I've read other reviews that said she was a little annoying and obnoxious, but I think I would be too in her situation, so I disagree with those opinions. I'd probably have myself committed, or have gone to the police with the video footage she recorded. I was a little disappointed - at first - with the reoccurring freak-out wake up scenes, until they were justified with answers.

The car accident - the one that we're virtually told nothing about - was a good pre-storyline for an initial explanation to her night terrors.

I liked the side stories with her husbands jealousy and medical issues, and the surprise little twist with the pregnant, doctor friend. I felt her character kept the film 'grounded', so to speak. She was logical, positive, reassuring and the voice of reason .. until she was out of them. The neighbour/grocery clerk did a fine job. Socially awkward. He made me feel uncomfortable - so, well done brother! And the scares, though few, I found to be pretty creepy. I never jumped out of my jocks but I had the occasional "Oh Sh!t" moment a couple of times. The score complemented them film well, I felt. I don't know much about cinematography so I couldn't find any fault there.

Great ending. Worth watching. Keep in mind it's a low budget film and they worked pretty well within their limits. Good job!
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