Don't be put off by the title and the sexism of some of the plot
24 January 2015
I resisted watching this for sometime.. it sounds like a silly sex- com .. and the premise that the female lead is 'wrong' because she is a woman. Yes, some of the set up - that women have no role as leaders is well dodgy by today's standards - (and to be honest even for it's own time)

But ignore that.. pretend that the out of touch moderniser is not wrong by virtue of being female.. See her as 'just happens to be' female, and her opponent as 'just happens to be' male.. and there is great fun to be had in this clash of ideals.

Compare it to (but admittedly not quite as good as) I'm all right Jack.. where you have differing views of how a work place should be run.

Call it ageist .. She is young, he is old.. call it maybe anti American (she is a brash American, he a quiet modest Scott) .. or just see it as differing mind sets battling it out.

If you want to try and be clever (and read too much into it) see it as a precursor to Crichton's much later 'Fish called Wanda'.. With Sellers as the John Cleese type v the Constance Cummings character as Wanda...
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