[Rec]² (2009)
Fantastic Expansion on a Modern Horror Masterpiece
28 January 2015
With these films, I don't want to give away TOO many details in case the person reading this review hasn't seen it yet.

While the first film relied heavily on atmosphere and telling a story through unfolding horrific events, building up to the last 10 minutes which exposed a huge amount of explanation while remaining some of the most intense moments in horror history.

Rec 2 follows a similar pattern but spends more time expanding on the previous film's climactic ending throughout the film. The thrills take only a slight backseat at times to divulge a nice amount of exposition. This approach is actually slightly superior story-wise, but makes it slightly inferior to the original. However, both films stand as equal on quality level and are worth being viewed as 1 competent, coherent story among chaos.

Unfortunately, the American bastardization of the original was followed by a sequel that holds nothing to this film, but that's another rant for another IMDb review.

Overall, this is a 9/10. Near perfection for the horror genre, which saw an inspiring dose of revitalization in Europe after 2000.
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