Review of REC

REC (2007)
A Great Piece For It's Genre
28 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to make this a short, jumbled review to just recap a handful of reasons to enjoy this film and the aspects that I think will appeal to most people looking for those aspects.

I was fortunate enough to stumble across Rec in 2008 with subtitles and witnessed one of the greatest modern horror films ever. The film provides atmosphere, convincing acting, thrills, chills, surprises, and shocks. The last 10 minutes or so were the most intense moments I'd seen in years. The story may not be entirely original, but it doesn't have to be. The horror genre and it's sub-genres have been built on clichés.

However, Rec does twist some of the conventions and blends the zombie genre with the demonic possession genre flawlessly, making it somewhat of a twist at the end of the film. I highly recommend this to people with an open mind, who don't mind subtitles. For those of you who'd prefer the Americanized version, find Quarantine, although I do warn that it takes the movie's final twist, the voice recording that plays, and distorts it to the point where they ruin that part of the story.

10/10 stars.
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